Tip: You can also edit the height item set value to adjust the total height consumed by the widget in Lotus Connections to avoid vertical scrollbars. 技巧:您还可以编辑height设置的值,通过调整小部件在LotusConnections的高度避免出现垂直滚动条。
You'll need stored procedures that can be used to add a new module item, edit an exiting item, retrieve a list of items, and retrieve all of the fields for a single item. 您将需要可用于添加新模块项的存储过程,编辑现有项目,检索项目列表,然后检索单个项目的所有字段。
Edit Properties Mode is initiated by selecting it from any context menu on the Windows Forms designer or by clicking the menu item of the same name. 首先在Windows窗体设计器的上下文菜单中点击选择与其同名的菜单项使编辑属性模式被激活。
On the datalist tasks menu, click Edit templates, and then in the display box, click item template. 在“datalist任务”菜单中,单击“编辑模板”,然后在“显示”框中单击“项模板”。
The following buttons become available when you edit item security. 编辑项安全性时可以使用以下按钮。
For more information about adding list items, see add, edit, or delete a list item. 有关添加列表项目的详细信息,请参阅添加、编辑或删除列表项目。
Cannot edit attribute of playing item. 无法编辑播放项的属性。
Edit item form ( used to edit existing list items) 编辑项目表单(用于编辑现有的列表项)
You cannot edit the formula for a calculated item while custom calculation is used. 在使用自定义计算时不能编辑计算项公式。
Edit an item in our application. 编辑应用程序中的项。
If you don't want to edit the item after it has been added to your gallery, no patch is required. 如果你不想在项目添加到相册之后进行编辑的话,就无需打这个补丁了。
To delete an OLE item, select it with a mouse click, then press Delete or use the clear command on the edit menu. 若要删除ole项,请单击鼠标以选中它,然后按delete键或使用“edit”(编辑)菜单上的“clear”(清除)命令。
You must also provide a way for users to indicate that they want to edit the item. 还必须为用户提供一种方法,以指示他们要编辑项。
To edit an item hit the Enter key to start editing, when done editing, hit the Enter Key again. 为了编辑一个条目,按回车键以开始编辑,完成编辑后,再按一下回车键。
If it is required, add the fields that you want to edit to the work item list. 如果需要,将要编辑的字段添加到工作项列表中。
In design view, right-click the datalist control, point to edit template, and then click item templates. 在“设计”视图中,右键单击datalist控件,指向“编辑模板”,然后单击“项模板”。
It allows you to edit relative timings for animations by selecting the item from the custom animation list and then dragging the timeline marker. 通过选择自定义动画列表中的项目并拖动日程表标记,可使用它编辑动画的相对计时。
Allows you to edit the categories for the selected item. 允许编辑所选项目的类别。
Control, the event behavior detailed later occurs if the user clicks on the edit field, the button, or on an item within the list. 控件,如果用户单击编辑字段、按钮或列表中的项,则发生下面详细说明的事件行为。
Click edit item security to change how security is defined for the current item. 单击“编辑项安全设置”可以更改定义当前项的安全性的方式。
For this example, select the show edit item links, show delete item links, and show insert item link check boxes. 就本例而言,请选中“显示编辑项目链接”、“显示删除项目链接”和“显示插入项目链接”复选框。
People can read list items, add new items, and edit any item in the list. 用户可以读取列表项,添加新的列表项,并编辑列表中任何项。
Select edit work item to open the work item form and correct the value. 选择“编辑工作项”打开工作项表单并更正值。
When you add, edit, delete, move, rename, or otherwise change any version-controlled item, your changes are isolated in your workspace where you can safely build and test your changes. 当您添加、编辑、删除、移动、重命名或以其他方式更改受版本控制的任何项时,您的更改将隔离在您的工作区中,您可以在工作区中安全地生成和测试更改。
Optionally, add a layout table and arrange the controls as you did when working with the edit item template. 或者,也可以按照使用编辑项模板的方式添加布局表和安排控件。